
In a world full of health nuts, the “bad for you” stigma is often what keeps people from eating Twinkies. But when it comes to #TheTwinkieTruth, something so delicious is worth the chance of embarrassment.

The Twinkie Holiday Expansion

Valentine’s Day:

This Valentines Day, Twinkies’ packaging will encourage people to not be embarrassed to share their #twinkietruth

The Truck of Truth

To promote the release of these sweet Twinkies, a Valentine’s Day themed Twinkie truck will drive around the Chicagoland area and hand out free Twinkies for people to give to that special someone.


Twinkies are a lot less embarrassing when they become a Christmas tradition.

These Christmas themed Twinkies with Holiday truths will be sold in stores and handed out at Twinkie branded Santa meet and greets.

CW: Bailey Maguire

AD: Amanda Sideris


Signet Jewelers